
UL(Underwriters Laboratories : 과학기술을 확용해 안전 규격을 개발하고 안전 인증 서비스를 제공하는 기업.)을 통해 캐나다 친환경 인증인 Eco-logo 인증을 획득.

ECOLOGO® Certified products, services and packaging are certified for reduced environmental impact. ECOLOGO Certifications are voluntary, multiattribute, life cycle-based environmental certifications that indicate a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing or both, to prove its compliance with stringent, third-party, environmental performance standards.

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Approved Edenhill's Brand

인증받은 이든힐의 브랜드리스트

회사소개  이용약관  개인정보처리방침

(주)이든힐 | 대표자 : 손원규 | Tel. 1644-6248 | Fax. 02-3426-1733 | | 개인정보보호책임자 : 손원규
Addr. 서울시 강동구 동남로 71길 20, 5층 (주)이든힐 ㅣ Biz License 206-86-16574 (사업자정보확인| 통신판매업 2018-서울강동-0354

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